I’ve avoided creating a personal presence online for info-sec reasons, but I’ve finally given in and started a blog (and a Twitter, and a Linkedin… sheesh). It may or may not be because I’m a developer between jobs. OK, it totally has to do with that.

About the blog: it’s a static site generated with Jekyll and hosted for free on GitHub. Caching and TLS are kindly provided by Cloudflare. I’m amazed at the quality of the free tools and services available these days. Thanks internet!

If you are hiring a full-stack, polyglot engineer with strong Java skills and an eye for design, hit me up at the links in the header. I’m based in western North Carolina, but also enjoy working remotely.

For future posts, I’d like to do a walkthrough of some of my personal projects. So, if you have interests in encryption, data visualization, D3.js, Python, or multi-threaded C, I hope you come back! Thanks for reading :)